Writer Profile

Andreas Neuenkirchen

Andreas Neuenkirchen was born a while ago in Bremen, Germany, where he immediately started writing bad sci-fi, fantasy, and horror stories. Transitioning to somewhat readable journalism in his 20s, he moved to Munich (still Germany), where he worked as an editor for print (passionately) and Big Data (reluctantly, yet profitably). Eventually, he bought himself a conscience and moved to Tokyo, Japan, where his wife is from. Today he identifies as a permanent essayist, frequent novelist, and occasional screenwriter. He has written 12 books in German, all but one about Japan.



Articles by Andreas Neuenkirchen

history of karaoke in japan

History of Karaoke in Japan


Friendly Japan Tech: Tamagotchi Through the Ages

Japanese TV shows about food

7 More TV Shows To Watch If You Love Japanese Food (That Aren't Midnight Diner)

How to Eat and Drink Like a German in Tokyo

Japanese konbini history

Kings of Convenience: Japanese Konbini History

Japanese Learning Apps: The Final Verdict

hakone honbaku book hotel

Going Completely Offline at Hakone Honbako Book Hotel

Bunpo japanese learning apps

Japanese Learning Apps: Leveling Up With Bunpo

Tokyo Daddy Issues: Santa and Tooth Fairy Are Coming to Town

DaddyDisney tokyo disneyland

Tokyo Daddy Issues: First Family Visit to Tokyo Disneyland

Japanese craft beers

Drinkable and Available: 5 Japanese Craft Beers To Try

tokyo daddy issues column

Tokyo Daddy Issues: Growing Homework Over the Summer Holidays