You might expect to be asked what your blood type is at the doctor’s office, but in Japan, it’s a normal part of everyday conversation. The western world has astrology, while Japan has ketsuekigata, or blood type personalities. Though not based on science, the theory is that your blood type dictates your personality. This theory actually loosely ties to history, and there have been many studies exploring the evolution of blood types. Though possibly far-fetched and meant to be taken with a grain of salt, it isn’t impossible that the lifestyles of our ancestors have been carried through in our DNA.
Keep reading below to find out what your blood type says about you according to Japanese ketsuekigata types, and the history related to your blood type.
O Blood Type: The Hunter
People with the O blood type are said to be social, eccentric and natural leaders. They have great communication skills and are excellent at navigating social situations in order to appease everyone. Because of their social finesse and confidence, they lead their lives with go-getter energy, although they may come across as arrogant.
The O type is said to be the first blood type, and the blood type of all Cro-Magnon hominids, some of the first hunting Homo sapiens that roamed the earth. Because the O type has roots in a hunting society where communication skills were necessary to survive, it’s possible the ability to communicate effectively carried through as a genetic instinct.
The O blood type (in particular O negative), possibly because it is the first blood type to have formed, is the universal donor. It’s also the mosquito’s preferred blood type.
A Blood Type: The Farmer
The term “type A” is used in western cultures, so most people are probably aware of what this personality type is like. Organized, logical and detail-oriented, those with the A blood type can be a little sensitive. They are diplomatic by nature and avoid conflict, and like to maintain a sense of harmony among peers.
The A blood type reportedly formed as O type hominids migrated across the world and started establishing agrarian societies. To survive off agriculture, these early humans had to learn the rules of every plant and season and keep to a tight schedule to ensure their crops would not fail. Perhaps this ability to work with finicky agriculture led to the A blood type person’s sense of responsibility and sensitivity to change.
B Blood Type: The Nomad
Those with the B blood type are said to be outgoing, optimistic, bubbly and creative. The most social of the blood types, people who are type B are free-spirited and honest, sometimes to a fault. Goal-oriented but with an aversion to taking orders, people with B personalities are understanding but can be mistaken for being careless of others.
According to history, over 8,000 years ago, the first nomads branched away from their settled societies and moved to different climates based on the season. Some theories suggest these nomads developed type B blood, and that the adventurous and freedom-loving ways of those who are type B come from the nomadic lifestyles of their ancestors.

Battle between Mongols & Chinese (1211). Jami’ al-tawarikh, Rashid al-Din.
AB Blood Type: The Hybrid
The rarest of the blood types, those with the AB blood type have a blend of type A and type B, so are analytical yet eccentrically creative, as well as being social yet introverted. Their unexpected nature comes across as mysterious, and they can feel misunderstood regularly but are often respected as artists or innovative thinkers.
The AB blood type is said to have formed when type A farmers and type B nomads intermingled. The resulting AB child possibly took on the qualities of their settled agrarian and jet-setting nomad parents, making for a curious and complex personality type.
Making up only 5% of the global population, the AB blood type (particularly AB positive) is called the universal recipient and is able to receive blood from all blood types.