Glittering skyscrapers. Glowing neon. Blazing headlights. Shimmering billboards. A recent viral time-lapse video captures the beautiful Japanese evening skyline, in all its glowing modern hues.

However, local viewers may be dismayed to learn that these images are not from the nation’s capital, but its chief metropolitan rival. That’s right—there just might be a new contender for Japan’s prettiest skyline: Osaka.

The Night Movie Channel of Osaka has a time lapse video capturing all that evening electric glory, helping it garner more than 180,000 views. Its website, has similar clips dedicated to night time panoramas of Japan’s third biggest city.

The video also earned several fawning comments, where viewers wrote about being “homesick for Osaka,” or declaring that the clip has compelled them to visit the city very soon.

What’s your take on the clip? Does it look like we have a rivalry brewing as to the best-looking skyline in Japan? Or is there a dark horse challenger out there somewhere? People say good things about Nagasaki, for example … let us know in the comments below!

—Kyle Mullin