Starting from January 19, Genshin Impact fans can flock to any Sushiro outlet in Japan and attempt to “roll” for limited edition Genshin Impact merchandise. Diners can operate this directly from the touchscreen menus found at the booths or counters of Sushiro establishments. Each try will set you back ¥700 (and this is separate from any sushi purchase) but the fee will net you anything from the A-D Rank tapestries featuring Ganyu, Zhongli, Eula and Kazuha down to the H Rank rubber key holders featuring more characters from in-game regions of Mondstadt, Liyue and Inazuma. While far from being the top prize, we like the look of the F Rank drinking glasses with cute chibi character illustrations outlined on each piece.

genshin sushiro collaboration


Ready Your Wallet for Real Life Gatcha

For a game built around players gambling at low odds in the hope of obtaining their waifu or husbando, we think incorporating a similar mechanic right into your sushi menu could be rather risky for one’s wallet. However, this should make for some very exciting mealtime entertainment while you wait for your next plate of salmon nigiri to arrive. And if sushi’s not to your fancy, keep an eye out at Lawson, select bookstores and hobby shops as well as the Ichiban Kuji official shops and website where you can still try your luck for one of these prizes. This campaign will conclude at the end of April or until stock runs out.

genshin impact sushiro collaboration glasses


More About Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is a free-to-play action role-playing game that is monetized through gacha game mechanics. Players explore an open world following a fantasy-based story with the main battle mechanic relying on elemental magic and character-switching to obtain an advantage over enemies in the game. Genshin is widely regarded as one of the first gacha games to have achieved worldwide popularity after it blew up during the global pandemic. According to, there are currently over 64 million active Genshin Impact players in 2024. This is four times the number of active players compared to when the game first launched in 2020.

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